Низ срце

Се одљубив конечно,
помисли тивко.
И љубовта ѕирна,
низ клучалка,
преку очи, кроз срце,
Неверојатно силна,
Неверојатно остра,
Го закова без крст,
една ноќ,
втора ноќ,
трета ноќ
можда заувек?
Во депресија и безмоќ.

Categories: poems, writings, македонски, написи, поеми | By Todor | November 18, 2024 @ 7:57 pm

Виолетова и сребрена

Исполнети денови во
кутија со слики,
кутија со ѕвезди,
виолетова и сребрена.

Дали ја слушна пролетта?
“Погледнав“, рече тој,
“беше позади сликите,
во кутијата,
покриена со снег,
виолетова и сребрена.“

Дали се скри?
“Да, позади месецот се скрив“,
шепна тој тивко,
“додека заводливо
тонеше во асфалтот“,
разлевајќи магепсна
виолетова и сребрена.

Categories: poems, writings, македонски, написи, поеми | By Todor | January 12, 2020 @ 4:36 pm

Please wear orange

A mosaic of frozen leafs
scratches the asphalt.
‘Such a sad day!’,
‘I am so sad!’, he closed his eyes.

‘Boys don’t cry!’, he remembered,
trying to stop the tears.
A tear slipped his eye lashes
vaporising into a drop of ice.

‘Boys don’t cry!’, he said,
‘Keep your eyes closed!’, he whispered,
‘Please wear orange!’

Categories: English, poems, writings | By Todor | @ 2:13 pm


Did you lost your silver?
‘I did not!’, he said,
‘I buried it in my past!’

The full moon diffused
under the forest, as he looked around.
The shadows of trees skattered
and the wind stopped.
Did you find your purple?
‘I stopped looking!’, he said,
‘I buried it in my past!’, he said,
‘hiding it behind my technicolor’.

Did you hide again?
‘I always do!’, he whispered,
‘Under my colorful shirts,’ he remembered,
‘melting silver cools my heart’.

Dreaming in the forest,
Forgetting blinded by the moon,
a box of pictures,
a box of stars,
purple and silver.

Categories: English, poems, writings | By Todor | @ 1:38 pm

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